Who is Freedom Church?
While we are proud to be apart of the Global Church of Jesus Christ, we are also thankful every church isn't the same. We believe God created different churches because there are so many different people. On this page we will define some of the characteristics that make us unique.
- Passionate Worship: we feel as though God has given us a mantle to lead, teach, and exercise worship. Led by our Worship team, we passionately praise God every Sunday. It's basically a Jesus Party every time we get together, and it rocks! Serving God is exciting, thus, we consider dancing, clapping, singing, and even shouting as valid and biblical expressions of our praise. (Psalm 150:1-6)
- Inter-generational: We believe every age group has a role to play in the development of a healthy church. We offer a variety of activities for every age group, in addition to Sunday Services. (Deut. 4:9, Acts 2:17)
- Bible-Based: We preach from the Word of God; it is called the Good News for a reason. To make it boring would be a sin; you will not fall asleep at one of our services. (2 Tim. 3:16)
- Friendly: We can't count how many times someone has told us they've visited a church and no one greeted them. At Freedom Church, it matters to us that you come! The bottom line is...we like people. (John 13:34-35)
- Honest: It is only by coming to terms with our own weaknesses that we can access God's power. At Freedom Church, you will find real people who serve a real God. (Eph. 4:15)
- FUN: We tend to laugh a lot-even in church! Laughter is good medicine; it takes the edge off of life. We use humor and creativity in our approach, but laughter is just a by-product of people who love God and one another. (Prov. 17:22)
- Hunger: We will not be mediocre. We will not be a weak, impotent, dry, or pathetic church. We must WANT MORE! We refuse to stay at the same level. God has blessed this determination. We realize that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only thing that can really satisfy. People are born-again and filled with His spirit on a consistent basis! (Matt. 5:6)
- Relationship Focused: Church is about two things: relationship with God and relationship with people. We will encourage you to fall in love with God and watch every other area of your life take it’s proper place. (Matt 22:37-39)